THANK-YOU for a great weekend everyone! It was such a fun-stressful-crazy weekend. We had 17 people between some of my fam and some of Jacks family-it was hard trying to make everyone happy but I hope we did! I had a great birthday! My family did so much for me! My husband is so great and such a great guy. My parents and my inlaws are wonderful like always and My sister did SOOO much for me and suprised me so much-thanks!!! She even got me a black cake (even though I think I'm not OVER the hill yet) ha ha-The boys loved the Monster Trucks~!
Can I just say how much I love my Payton. He has been so enjoyable this past year. I wish I could skip the 1-3 year old stage-because I love it now-but I know I have some tough years ahead of me! We are ready for Valentines Day in our house (besides the fact that I will be 30 on that day) YIKES-and my sister is already sending me cards reminding me of it~! But we are going to party in SLC-which I need a getta away so bad-I hope this week goes by fast!!!! We went bowling two weekends in a row! What a fun family night! Except for Stockton wanted a turn all the time (he was kind of hard) but Payton loved it!! I loved the bumpers!--Sorry the stocky picture is turned-I'm to lazy to fix it!